Car accidents are usually rather traumatic and sadly can be devastating. Subsequent to a car crash, you need to contact your insurance company and may need to file a claim. The insurance company will carefully examine all the evidence, look for documentation, and may even seek a sworn statement. For the most part, insurance company staff and claim assessors will guide you through the entire process.
When is Filing a Claim Necessary?
Depending on your insurance policy, there are a number of reasons for filing a claim:
- Accident
- Vandalism or theft
- Weather damage
Documentation You Will Require
Before contacting your insurance company, ensure you have the following information at hand:
- Policy number and coverage details
- Date and time of the accident
- Names and contact details of all drivers, passengers, and witnesses
- Driver’s license and license plate numbers
- Detailed account of the incident (insurance company may look for a sworn statement)
Your case will be assigned to an insurance assessor who will then examine all the details and determine the validity of your claim and possible payment amounts.
At this point, you may wish to hire an attorney to expedite your case and offer her/his support and expertise.
Claiming for Injuries
Payouts will depend on your policy and whether or not you were at fault. However, your claim can by supported and strengthened in a number of different ways:
- Take photos of your injuries
- Seek medical treatment and ask your doctor to write a report
- File a police report and obtain a copy thereof
- Record the impact of the injuries, i.e. days missed at work, pain and discomfort suffered
- Hiring an attorney will often result in a higher payout and decreased risk being taken advantage of by the insurance companies
Claiming for Damage to Your Car
Your coverage type will determine whether and how much your insurance will pay out. Most importantly, keep all receipts. You will also need to coordinate the repair of your car with the accident investigation team to ensure you don’t fix the before the investigation is complete.
The Importance of Keeping a Record of All Injuries and Damages
Keep all relevant documentation and reports, while also recording the consequences of sustained injuries if you were not at fault. The more detailed and well-documented your claim, the speedier and more successful the claim is going to be.
If you have any physical or mental pain as a result of the accident, don’t hesitate to call us today for a free consultation: 818-272-8882